Personal Growth Research Library

Articles, videos and links on a wide variety of topics

Research Library Contains 698 Articles

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The Research Library

The “Research Library” is an ever-growing collection of articles, assessments and videos that explore some aspect of emotional development. Ever since I was diagnosed with Macular Degeneration, I have focused heavily on videos because they are so much easier on my eyes’ are welcome to rate each item in the library.

The Details

  • Your rating may be 1…5 stars with (or without) a your review of the item.
  • Click on VIEW to open the item in a separate window
  • You may also RECOMMEND an item for inclusion in the library./li
  • You can RATE an item by clicking on “RATE” and filling in the form then cliccking “SUBMIT”

I will get a notification when you complete your recommendation and will determine whether the article and its media type and topic. When your recommend an item, please provide your name, phone and email. I will not include any items that do not have the name of it’s recommender. The devil is in the details…