# | EDIT | Name | Value |
# | EDIT | Name | Value |
# | EDIT | User ID | Setting | Value | Description |
# | EDIT | User ID | Setting | Value | Description |
# | EDIT | Course Name | Setting Name | Setting Value |
# | EDIT | Course Name | Setting Name | Setting Value |
# | EDIT` | Course Name | Offering Name | Setting Name | Setting Value |
# | EDIT` | Course Name | Offering Name | Setting Name | Setting Value |
# | EDIT | Participant Name | Setting Name | Setting Value |
# | EDIT | Participant Name | Setting Name | Setting Value |
Shortcodes can be used to acccess the value of any settign.
Global Shortcodes
[cx-global <setting name>] will return the setting value associated with setting name.
[cx-global <setting name>, <setting value>] will set tge vakye of setting name.
User Settings
Settings owned bu specific user. Values persist across logins.
Session Settings
Values available only to current user durring current session.
Course Shourtcodes
[cx-course <setting name, <cid> will return the value of the course with<cid>
Course Offering Shortcodes
[cx-offering <setting name>, <oid>]
Participant Shortcodes
[cx-participant <settnng name>, <pid>]