
#EDITCourse NameSetting NameSetting Value
#EDITCourse NameSetting NameSetting Value

#EDIT`Course NameOffering NameSetting NameSetting Value
#EDIT`Course NameOffering NameSetting NameSetting Value

#EDITParticipant NameSetting NameSetting Value
#EDITParticipant NameSetting NameSetting Value


Shortcodes can be used to acccess the value of any settign.

Global Shortcodes

[cx-global <setting name>] will return the setting value associated with setting name.

[cx-global <setting name>, <setting value>] will set tge vakye of setting name.

Course Shourtcodes

[cx-course <setting name, <cid> will return the value of the course with<cid>

Course Offering Shortcodes

[cx-offering <setting name>, <oid>]

Participant Shortcodes

[cx-participant <settnng name>, <pid>]