I-Group Skills Coaching Program

The Back Story

When men graduate from the New Warrior Training Adventure, they are encouraged to take the Primary Integration Training (PIT) in order to learn the tools, the skills and the self-awareness to sit in an I-Group. The PIT, if it is offered at all, is often a weekend intensive lasting two lo`ng days, during which the trainers hand out Dixie Cups and turn on the fire hose, saying, “Drink what you can!“.

It is a pretty well-established fact that this presentation model  doesn’t work well. Men’s ability to absorb the material peaks after just a few hours and the rest of the material may not be remembered at all.

Before the advent of Covid-19,  I had the opportunity to lead an extended online PIT using Zoom. We spent 10 weeks meeting one night each week for not more than two hours. This worked surprisingly well. Men had a better chance to bond, more time to let each lesson sink in, and it even provided time to give them homework.

Fortunately, this model is starting to catch on, but there are still thousands of men out there who sit in I-Groups and hunger to go deeper. The IGFT training addresses parts of this, but nothing can quite compare to one-on-one coaching.

The course description below represents 20 years of my experience looking at how to go deep and step into my own shadows. It is designed for me to teach it one-on-one and it will evolve as I practice it. I suspect that the first change will be extending the time from one hour sessions to two hour sessions, and I will change and evolve the training as I get more experience teaching it. And you may notice that some of the later weeks are a bit sketchy right now. They will be filled in completely well before I teach them.

Bob (Cave Bear) Jones, Jan 5, 2021


Week # Intention
  1. Complete my coaching intake form
  2. Raise $800 to cover the program which will come due after the first session is completed
  3. Complete self-assessment (to be defined)
  4. Complete coaching agreement (to be developed)


Intake Session

  1. Discuss client’s intake and group assessment so that I can get a clear picture of his background, concerns and goals.
  2. Review coaching agreement and address any questions
  3. Review the entire process so he understands what he has signed up for.
  4. Review goals and intentions of this program:
    1. Deepen self-awareness
    2. Improve self-confidence
    3. Develop greater emotional maturity
  5. Address any questions or concerns he raises
  6. Pick day and time for next nine meetings
  1. Login to ConneXionsCoaching.com website and explore it thoroughly. Document any questions, concerns or problems encountered.
  2.  Acquire a dedicated journal
  3. Journal every day for at least five minutes
  4. Read these posts:
    1. Waking Up
    2. On Consciousness
    3. Beginner’s Mind
    4. On Meditation



Week # Intention


Waking Up

  1. Review Homework
  2. What is self-awareness
  3. Beginner’s Mind
  4. Notice and Choose
  5. Meditation – every day for a minimum of 30 consecutive minutes
  1. Pick a support program (e.g. Insight Timer)
  2. Meditate every day for at least 30 minutes
  3. Track your meditation progress
  4. Continue journaling. Document anything  that has come up



Week # Intention


Growing Up – Defenses

  1. Review Homework
  2. Behaviors that  bust or build connection
  3. Defenses – what they are and how they show up
  4. He completes list of common defensive behaviors  and reviews it with me and commits to ask his I-Group members and close friends to fill out the same form
  1. Read “The Three Faces of Victim



Week # Intention


Growing Up – Victim Triangle

  1. Review Homework
  2. Review Victim Triangle
  3. Identifying where in his life he has been a victim



Week # Intention


Growing Up – Beliefs

  1. Review Homework
  2. Identify core self-limiting beliefs
  3. Belief Closet process
  4. Belief change log



Week # Intention


Growing Up – Empowerment Triangle

  1. Review Homework
  2. Empowerment Triangle
  3. Growth edge as Coach, Challenger, Creator



Week # Intention


Growing Up

  1. Review Homework
  2. What is Emotional Maturity
  3. Emotional Maturity Self-Assessment



Week # Intention


Showing Up

  1. Review Homework
  2. Review tools
  3. Practice tools
  4. Wrap up and next steps



Week # Intention


Return of the King
  1. Review Homework
  2. Prepare to lead I-Group
  1. 1. Lead I-Group



Week # Intention


Next Steps

  1. Review Homework
  2. Complete closing self-assessment
  3. Report to BC Board
  1. None