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Provide tools to help coaches manage their  practice more effectively. Specific tools include;

  • Client intake (easily customized)
  • Session management
  • Coaching processes
  • Resources

And for Clear Beliefs coaches, management of Beliefs, Dream House


This dashboard is for coaches, especially Certified Clear Beliefs Coaches. It contains tools that help you conduct processes AND take notes at the same time.

The tabs are constructed in a logical sequence:

  1. People – everything begins with people you know or get to know.
  2. Candidates identifies people who might become clients, but are not yet real prospects
  3. Prospects are the people you want to follow up with to see if the want to become clients.
  4. Clients are people who have become clients.
  5. An Intake happens when a person becomes a client.
  6. Client Sessions track what happened with this client during each coaching session
  7. During sessions, you may use processes from this list.
  8. You may also want quick access to references that you want to either review or share.
  9. And when you get stuck, you come to this page and wish I had taken more time to describe each tool.


This tool (also called the Persons tool) tracks bask contact information the people you know, It adds one important piece of information: what role they play in your life. They may be a friend, family member, co-worker, someone you met at the gym or online. They roles they play help determine what additional information you want to keep about them.  Here is an example:

I have been a member of The Mankind Project for 20 years. I know lots of men (and some women) through the various experiences I have had with them over the years. These men are ideal potential clients for me, so anybody who is somehow connected with The Mankind Project is a candidate for my services. These people will show up in  the Candidates list simply by virtue of the fact that they are connected somehow with The Mankind Project.

The People tool allows you to add, find, update and even delete people very easily.


Candidates are simply people who play a role in your life that suggests they may need your services at some time. Each candidate has the word “Prospect” next to their name. Clicking on the word “Prospect” will open the Prospects form and ask you a few questions that will help you follow up with them.


The Prospects tool is one of the most important tools in this dashboard. It makes it both possible and EASY to create a list of who you want to contact, how and when you will make that contact.


This the list that identifies people you consider to be clients.


At present, there is only one client intake form available. It is easily altered to meet specific needs, and eventually, I may add the ability to have multiple intake forms available.

Once entered, an intake form can be edited and updated as needed.

Session Notes

Taking notes with each client session is very important. This tool makes it easy. There are four sets of information it tracks:

  • Session notes that you type in during or shortly after a client session
  • Promises you made to send or give something to your client daring this session
  • Assignments you gave your client that you want them to accomplish.
  • Links to videos of the session you just completed (optional).


This tool is a simple repository of the coaching processes you use in your practice.


This is a wonderful library of research that I have developed over the years. It has been dormant as I searched for a way to bring it out of its coma. I solved that problem recently and am now in the process of adding new material to this library.